Just love to read this section. Sometimes, all is still and quiet, I ask my heart and my mind, what's so different about the Love of CHRIST that changes people's lives, that changes my life? It's the higher purpose we've been called for. A greater than life purpose.
That, i guess, is the ultimate objective of marriage, to live out the higher purpose we've been tasked to; to learn and to be transformed by GOD permitted trials to become more Christ-like and worthy of the gospel.
Love Being Married
5 great reasons why I do—and you can, too!
Jane Johnson Struck
5. Higher Goals Marriage
for marriage's sake is self- serving. But for believers, marriage has a higher purpose, a larger mission in life than a series of acquisitions or accomplishments, or an attempt to end loneliness. It's to reflect Christ's relationship with his church to a watching world.
I'm convinced God intends marriage to stretch us in ways it's hard to experience otherwise. After all, you're in the trenches of living daily with another flawed human being in need of grace, forgiveness, patience, and love—just as you are. Through the years I've been married to Rich, I've been caught short by my appallingly selfish and controlling nature … and exhilarated by moments of utter selflessness. As I'm willing, God can use the most mundane aspects of our life together—my frustration over having to wait for a longed-for home improvement, or a minor clash over disciplining one of our kids—to transform me into someone who's more Christlike.
The great thing about marriage is that even during those tough moments of life together, it teaches me constancy, commitment, and faithfulness. I love being married—and watching God at work!
Copyright 2003 by the author or Christianity Today International/Today's Christian Woman magazine.Click here for reprint information on Today's Christian Woman.
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