Monday, October 8, 2007

The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him (Lamentations 3:25).

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Men of Integrity, September/October 2007

Wait Gain
Theme of the Week: Wasted Time?
Friday, October 12

Key Bible Verse:

The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him (Lamentations 3:25).
Bonus Reading:
Luke 2:25-35

Our culture says, "Don't just sit there; do something!" Most of us think of waiting as a passive, hopeless state determined by events out of our hands. The bus is late? You can't do anything about it, so you have to sit there and wait. Being told, "Just wait," irritates us because it seems to push us into passivity.

But there's none of this passivity in Scripture. Those who wait are living the situation out to the full. They're patient because they know what they're waiting for is growing from the ground on which they're standing. The seed has been planted.

Still, this waiting is open-ended. That's hard for us because we tend to wait for something concrete. To wait open-endedly is to trust that something will happen to us far beyond our own imagination or prediction. Giving up control over our future and letting God define our life, trusting Him to mold us according to His life and not according to our fear, is radical. We wait, actively present to the moment, trusting that new things will happen to us. In a world preoccupied with control, that is a radical stance toward life.

—Henri Nouwen in The Weavings Reader

My Response:

Could my impatience mean I'm afraid to really let God be in charge?

Thought to Apply:

In prayer, we are aware that God is in action and that when the circumstances are ready, He will call us into action. Waiting in prayer is a disciplined refusal to act before God acts.—EUGENE PETERSON (Bible translator)

Adapted from The Weavings Reader (Upper Room Books, 1993) by permission.

Copyright © 2007 by the author or Christianity Today International/Men of Integrity magazine.Click here for reprint information on Men of Integrity.September/October 2007, Vol. 10, No. 5

Chorus for the Week-->

Prayer for the Week...

Teach me, Lord, to leash in my drive to make things happen and wait expectantly for Your move.

Friday, October 5, 2007

a part of me is gone

whenever i lost touch with one of them, i lost a part of me

thank GOD for new things to do. new things to work on & be busy with.. God seemed to have answer my outcry to Him. Show me your will and hide not your plans from me my GOD!

whenever i have new decision, the no.1 gives something that plainly does zilch value-add but create trouble and waste time for us - the rest of the world whom wish to put time in for work than for waste.

e.g. documenting every single task u complete. oh, one minute to type sms, one minute to open a document because the PC takes time to process the user input instruction.. is that going to count.

i feel so sorry when our people leave us. i mean leave me. yes we can always call each other, i have your hp. no.s yes i have your msn id(s) we can msn. yes i have your address , i can always email you.

BUT ..

no, we arent colleagues no longer. no, i can't spill to you what our crazy amusement park leader did to the park. no, i can't eat lunch and share the little sour sweet bitter spicy bits on my plate with you... things just arent the same anymore when we aren't working together under one amusement park leader/ studying together under one crazy school / serving in the same church ...

suddenly there are so many changes to my life (bits of my life) at once...

(1) i realise i only have one close friend. the rest are overseas, different frequency from me, too busy to be a close friend, changed over the time....

(2) i do not know what i wanted to do for a living (but friends and colleagues around me does)

(3) i told a gd friend cum boss something which upset him. but there s nothing i could do about it. seeing him so sad makes me feel sad n sorry. but i daren't say sorry, for i won't know what to do about my apology...

i guess.. when such things happen on me.. a part of me is chipped off...

Monday, October 1, 2007

i know why i m sad

有时伤感和纳闷是无法溶入字眼里的世界的。 有时那感觉确是真的比珍珠还真... 每个境遇都是神所容许的。每个经历都非偶然。虽然我身在其中。仍不晓其中缘由。亦不晓终点何处,那,我在奔跑什么?我为什么而劳苦呢。

唉....若不是祢的爱不断激励我,催促我前行,我想我也不知我为什么而迈进.... 因为,我真的累了...