Thursday, September 27, 2007

it's such a chore

I always thank HIM for saving me amongst the lost & hopeless...

i sometimes thank GOD for the days not giving me what i asked for ,

I 'm occassionally thankful to GOD for making me a woman (or at least i 'm created to be one)

Especially on those days when there's a super duper heavy downpouring drumming hard & noisily on the concrete pavements and the metal roofing sheets... thank GOD for those days where i can rightfully put on a short skirt - instead of long pants...

There are always 2 sides of a coin... on the other hand, being a woman means you are expected to
- look better (i.e. more dressed up)

- seemed like more groomed

- smell better

than a man... or at least that was held since a kid... and i still held on to those notion...

only a counselling session by a sophisticated female colleague had i knew there was more than meets the eye to be a really accomplished woman, - u know, a woman who can behave in a lady like manner... In fact, i have no foreseeable projection when this day would ever come by on me

just in making up your face (that is not even greater surface area than a clock face) alone would take so much memory space, skill and expertise to master... (i wish i could throw up my hands in surrender but.. life's a journey. many times a marathon run, sometimes occassionally a slow paced jog... and when i'm really down, it's a slow, comforting, stroll... i will , i must and i can, in the Will of the One whom i had and has believed.

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