Saturday, December 24, 2011


Today, we stayed later than usual. We left SPC the last and final dept @ 5.45 hrs after the knock off bell @ 5.20 pm.

Met Andy and Wong of C21, C22 for the first time. :)

C23 felt different without Anbu.. but they manage to make the whole place fun and DM Gerard goes all out for the costume party for the men. Seems to reflect that he cares for the men and the men love him too.

Took photos with pirates and ship crew with Tang, Edmund, Jana, etc..

We passed KK Kong our long time Store colleague his farewell present. with a hand made card. Everyone signed. Except James.. Don know why he didn't want to do so. Hope that this will mean a little something to him.

Took photos with Aide n his whole team of superman, spiderman, robin, batman and super heros. OPS support! Wow!!
Saw Shahrin. Really in good and healthy state! They made sure people want to stay with them, made sure their men enjoyed. N the put a lot of effort. Every engineer, for their workmen.

The good hosts stayed for their visitors to come , n welcome them warmly, greeting them and acknowledging and appreciating that they dropped by to see them. It was heartening to be friends again esp with those whom u argued and fight with every now n then.

It felt like we put aside all our quibles and differences for a day. Before the next quarrel start. (hah!) Builds our rapport n teach us how to communicate with each other.

the host / emcee.. invite the VIP to join.. 
should toast to everyone with drinks, or beer or anything. Just wish something for our dept, for the yard, for everyone, for the oldest, the youngest, the managers, the leaders of their men, for the men etc..

let management staff say somethg to encourage the workmen or let the workmen have some means to express themselves.. calling for the yum seng. etc?! or for the games as leaders


Store workmen did a wonderful decoration on their own without additional materials. N only a few balloons.
Just styrofoam and wrappers only.
They efforts n hardwork made the place v beautiful n decorated! CHEERS to their handiwork!!

Ramli made it very fun to know who is the prize winner. CHEERS for Ramli!

Some of the management staff gave up their prizes for the others, CHEERS for their kind act!

FUN to walk around with your dept colleagues, those are James Jameson, Michael Dave Stella Afidah, Kim Neo Nora Derrick Soon Peng Juliana . CHEERS to all! Special thanks to those who drove everyone around e yard (*especially during the rain)

Managed to witness Hupsteel guy sending goods at central store quite late @ 3.45 pm where users has closed their store. They can't find anyone AT C23 and had to turn back. Poor the delivery person. Buyer has failed to inform him that he can't come after 3. He didn't manage to send the urgent pipe to user on the day... It is quite difficult for the vendor to deliver goods if the timing is late.
NOT Easy

Departments put in A LOT OF EFFORT and coordinations to make event fun, dressing up, photo taking, standing n waiting for visitors... shows that managment cares for the men.. value them as individuals and their unique talents. Esp workmen level.
This could be in turn correlated to return on expenditure.
Something along the lines of : "If my superior cares about my work, it is important,then I should see it as important. If I like my superior, or If i look up upon my superior, i tend to have the inclination to do better for his sake , for the good for "our"dept, for my admiration of what he does. If i have a good relationship with my superior, my success will reflect good on him, and I will want to be aligned with his values, because I look up upon him. "

Reflections for 23.12.11 - 2011 Christmas celebration , sspl

This year's Christmas, xy, Af, Tee, Raja were the organisers for dept dinner, and lucky draw.

Expenditures :
food 936.00 (catered 80pax, actual 50+)
lucky draw 400.00
Drinks  150.00
balloons 10.00
Decoration 30.00
Lightings     55.00 (130+ RM) 
Total  S$ 1581.00

Budgeted :
Bosses $800.00
Staff-Stores 550.00
Staff-Purchasing 310.00 
Total  1660

Surplus  78 ++

Observations by xy :
1. Decorations, after event to be safekept by Purchasing on behalf of dept.

2. See all original receipts before paying out the amount to claimant (claimant should not be suggested to hold on to $$ first) . Proceeds to be safe kept by treasurer, not directly with Claimant.

3. Better for 1 person to be organiser, other 3 as assistants, rather than all 4 are organisers. Or rather 1 person organise, the other help.
All 4 persons, no decisions made or too many decisions made.  Messy and lack of central decision point
Everyone can't decide, everyone want to decide.

4. $ spent need to be approved by the chair person. Before placing order.

not sufficiently hot /warm enough,
variety insufficient,
repetition of dishes
not enough sauces varieties
e.g. fish and breaded fish
e.g taufoo & yong taufoo
e.g. mutton n mutton ?? (or two diff meats? can't tell by looking)
e.g. not enough colorful variety
e.g. two similar vegetables?

no arrangement for emcees for the communication/engagement with participants / visitors ?
no loudspeaker or microphone?
no hifi or at least player for ambience setting music or Christmas carols

when vips and guests visits us, there is no greetings warmly or indication of welcome. (just hi and shaking of hands? only?)

if emcee is present, perhaps he/she can invite the hosts (pur & store staff to go n give them a warm high five?or shake their hands vigorously to warm the cold rainy day)  invite them to sit down for a drink ?
At least at the start of the event ?

To engage /welcome the VIP as part of the day, invite him/her taking turns to give away at least 2 or 3 prizes for the staff - a kind of encouragement that the management , or the yard treats them as important people

E.g. To invite the VIP to say a few words (e.g. encouragement/feedback/share their own thoughts for the next year) to staff and co workers of this dept who receives and collects goods for everyone else ?


Perhaps we could arrange karaoke session for the workmen ? Guess the songs ?

or team building games ? e.g. which team can build the TALLEST (make-believe) christmas tree with drinking straws and 12 inch of scotch tapes that can stand for longer than one minute on its own? ?

which team can arrange their people in the order of their birthdates ascending order in the shortest possible  time - SILENTLY ?! 

Which team got the most no. of left handers?!

Who can write the fastest?

Who can stamp their names correctly on papers (PO/DO), fastest per 30secs? (Maybe Law will be the "sure win"!!)

The general sentiment felt /soaked in, sense of doing something special for the guys is not really strong. Seems that office is only keen to makan, then leave the store to the storeguys.. ?! :'( But we want to see our users and how they are doing..

check with HR again